Search Norwegian records in the Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD)

This webpage and the underlaying database has been developed in order to monitor progress in barcoded species for the Norwegian Barcode of Life Network. The available data are based on an xml-feed from BOLD that includes summary statistics of specimens and species from Norway or that are tagged with NorBOL. The local database is updated once a week.

Searches can be made using whole or parts of any taxonomic name and will return a list of the species within that group from Norway that currently are present in BOLD. Each species in the list can be selected for further information on specimens, barcodes, classification and direct links to the BOLD BIN-page. A list of species and accompanying information can also be downloaded as an excel-file.

Thanks to Sujeevan Ratnasingham for facilitating the feed from BOLD and to Roger Alterskjær for developing and maintaining the local database.

Database last updated: January 15, 2025 01:00
(Database last checked: January 15, 2025 01:00)

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Associated BINs Public
Phaonia tuguriorum 1 35 34 BOLD:AAL2750 2 Arthropoda
Micropsectra uliginosa 1 35 34 BOLD:AAX4333 1 Arthropoda
Operophtera brumata 355 390 35 BOLD:AAA3963 381 Arthropoda
Temnosira saltuum 1 36 35 BOLD:ABW9100 12 Arthropoda
Micropsectra atrofasciata 6 41 35 BOLD:AAI1530, BOLD:AAD4167 7 Arthropoda
Bradysia alpicola 9 44 35 BOLD:ACM6955 14 Arthropoda
Campylomyza dilatata 0 35 35 BOLD:ACB1079 Arthropoda
Ephedrus lacertosus 1 36 35 BOLD:AAH7432, BOLD:ADL7472, BOLD:ADB9933, BOLD:ADL7565 31 Arthropoda
Phymatolithon squamulosum 0 35 35 Rhodophyta
Dasyhelea turficola 0 35 35 BOLD:AEH4464, BOLD:AEH4801 Arthropoda
Pristionchus entomophagus 0 35 35 BOLD:ACZ0929 Nematoda
Scoloplos armiger 15 50 35 BOLD:AAA9299, BOLD:AAA9300 10 Annelida
Megaselia brevicostalis 0 35 35 BOLD:ACX6055 Arthropoda
Rhipidia maculata 1 36 35 BOLD:AAF9059 1 Arthropoda
Rhagio annulatus 1 36 35 BOLD:ACT7318 2 Arthropoda
Metriocnemus sp. 1ES 21 57 36 BOLD:AAV4654, BOLD:AAA9429, BOLD:ACP5239 57 Arthropoda
Apatania stigmatella 6 42 36 BOLD:AAB7909 37 Arthropoda
Janira maculosa 15 51 36 BOLD:ACV8862, BOLD:ACM3169, BOLD:ADI2034, BOLD:AEH5639, BOLD:AEH5638, BOLD:ADH4664 15 Arthropoda
Malthodes pumilus 2 38 36 BOLD:AAP7843 38 Arthropoda
Pholoe assimilis 7 43 36 BOLD:AAC2595 41 Annelida