Search Norwegian records in the Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD)

This webpage and the underlaying database has been developed in order to monitor progress in barcoded species for the Norwegian Barcode of Life Network. The available data are based on an xml-feed from BOLD that includes summary statistics of specimens and species from Norway or that are tagged with NorBOL. The local database is updated once a week.

Searches can be made using whole or parts of any taxonomic name and will return a list of the species within that group from Norway that currently are present in BOLD. Each species in the list can be selected for further information on specimens, barcodes, classification and direct links to the BOLD BIN-page. A list of species and accompanying information can also be downloaded as an excel-file.

Thanks to Sujeevan Ratnasingham for facilitating the feed from BOLD and to Roger Alterskjær for developing and maintaining the local database.

Database last updated: July 27, 2024 00:03
(Database last checked: July 27, 2024 00:03)

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Species Barcodes Specimens ▲ Missing
Associated BINs Public
Anguillosyllis pupa 7 14 7 BOLD:ACM6193, BOLD:AEM1541 11 Annelida
Cortinarius pseudofallax 9 14 5 14 Basidiomycota
Lissonota lineolaris 3 14 11 BOLD:ABV3880 13 Arthropoda
Cacopsylla brunneipennis 0 14 14 BOLD:ACR1736 14 Arthropoda
Limnephilus extricatus 14 14 0 BOLD:AAD0043 14 Arthropoda
Sclerocrangon boreas 3 14 11 BOLD:AAA7816 6 Arthropoda
Micropsectra lindrothi 5 14 9 BOLD:AAD1527 7 Arthropoda
Bradysia excelsa 9 14 5 BOLD:ACB9793, BOLD:ADM3944, BOLD:ACP7118 12 Arthropoda
Anteon exiguum 5 14 9 BOLD:ACO2569 11 Arthropoda
Dendrobaena attemsi 7 14 7 BOLD:AAC7375 6 Annelida
Chaetonotus subtilis 0 14 14 BOLD:ADW0588 Gastrotricha
Melinna albicincta 9 14 5 BOLD:ACD1599, BOLD:ACH9309 10 Annelida
Dasyhelea caesia 11 14 3 BOLD:AEC1756, BOLD:ACJ3180 14 Arthropoda
Bezzia annulipes 12 14 2 BOLD:ACX2190, BOLD:ACO5271, BOLD:AFB4879 12 Arthropoda
Sphaerodoropsis philippi 11 14 3 BOLD:ACG1907 11 Annelida
Mycetophila strobli 13 14 1 BOLD:ACP9774 14 Arthropoda
Aphelinus varipes 0 14 14 BOLD:ABA9128 14 Arthropoda
Jassa falcata 12 14 2 BOLD:AAU2334, BOLD:AAA3311 8 Arthropoda
Anteon arcuatum 1 14 13 BOLD:ACM4850 7 Arthropoda
Metacallophyllis laciniata 0 14 14 BOLD:AAI6971 13 Rhodophyta