Search Norwegian records in the Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD)

This webpage and the underlaying database has been developed in order to monitor progress in barcoded species for the Norwegian Barcode of Life Network. The available data are based on an xml-feed from BOLD that includes summary statistics of specimens and species from Norway or that are tagged with NorBOL. The local database is updated once a week.

Searches can be made using whole or parts of any taxonomic name and will return a list of the species within that group from Norway that currently are present in BOLD. Each species in the list can be selected for further information on specimens, barcodes, classification and direct links to the BOLD BIN-page. A list of species and accompanying information can also be downloaded as an excel-file.

Thanks to Sujeevan Ratnasingham for facilitating the feed from BOLD and to Roger Alterskjær for developing and maintaining the local database.

Database last updated: December 01, 2024 01:00
(Database last checked: December 01, 2024 01:00)

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Tryphosella sp2Pans 0 1 1 BOLD:ADD4222 Arthropoda
Diplocirrus hirsutus 0 2 2 Annelida
Neoamphitrite groenlandica 3 8 5 BOLD:AAW6625 Annelida
Balanus balanus 5 8 3 BOLD:AAG0069 Arthropoda
Megamphopus cornutus 2 4 2 BOLD:ABW4956, BOLD:ADF8636 Arthropoda
Euclymene sp. B 0 1 1 Annelida
Fannia genualis 0 23 23 BOLD:AAI5554 Arthropoda
Dinychus perforatus 5 6 1 BOLD:AFC0357, BOLD:AEP5884 Arthropoda
Cyaniris semiargus 1 1 0 BOLD:AAB3027 Arthropoda
Praxillura sp. 0 6 6 Annelida
Chlamys islandica 0 11 11 Mollusca
Perilampus chrysonotus 1 3 2 BOLD:AFB3596 Arthropoda
Wildemania abyssicola 7 11 4 BOLD:AFG2551 Rhodophyta
Lernaeodiscus ingolfi 5 5 0 BOLD:ADJ1605 Arthropoda
Piona laminata 1 1 0 BOLD:AEC1082 Arthropoda
Schaereria corticola 3 5 2 Ascomycota
Protounguicularia nephromatis 0 1 1 Ascomycota
Dendrolaelaps rotundus 0 2 2 Arthropoda
Oppiella uliginosa 5 13 8 BOLD:ABV2875, BOLD:ACJ6629 Arthropoda
Jasmineira caudata 0 2 2 Annelida